
We are a tuition-free public charter school offering rigorous academics to Greater Houston students.

Parent quick links

Bus Schedule


Academic Calendar


March newsletter


Class Dojo

To keep parents informed about their students' classroom conduct, we use Class Dojo.

Uniform policy

All students are expected to arrive to school, in uniform.

Access policy here.

purchase uniforms

Special Education

We offer services to support Special Populations, ensuring all students receive a rigorous education.

download SPED policies

Campus info

Get Rêved Up for your scholars journey to excellence. Below is some important info related to your scholars success at Rêve Prep.
Campus office hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:00am to 4:00pm

Wednesday 7:00am to 2:00pm
Bell schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm

Wednesday 7:30am to 1:30pm
Arrival & dismissal times
Arrival: 7:05am - 7:30am daily.
After 7:30am, enter through the front office. Instruction begins at 7:30am.

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 3:30pm - 3:45pm
Wed: 1:30pm - 1:45pm

Bus Riders: Dismissed up to 25 minutes early.

Late Pickup: Pick up remaining students at the front office after dismissal.

Early Pick-Up: Allowed from 10:30am to 3:00pm (1:00pm on Wed). No early retrieval after cut-off; wait for regular dismissal.
Attendance policy
Students should arrive on time daily, ready to learn. Students arriving after 9:00 am will be marked absent.

Absences are excused for:

- Personal illness
- Family illness or death
- Quarantine
- Severe weather
- School activities (with Director’s permission)
- Emergencies recognized by the School Director/designee

Submit an excuse note with the student’s full name and reason for absence upon return. Only three (3) excuse notes are allowed per grading period. Families will be contacted for excessive absences.
Dress code
Uniform Required: Monday-Friday for both in-person and remote learning. Non-compliance will prompt parent/guardian notification.

Girls’ Uniform
- Tops: School gray polo
- Bottoms: Black pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers
- Backpacks: Rêve Prep Backpack
- Shoes: Black (sneaker or dress)

Boys’ Uniform
- Tops: School gray polo
- Bottoms: Black pants or shorts
- Backpacks: Rêve Prep Backpack
- Shoes: Black (sneaker or dress)

Uniform Violations
1st: Written notice to parent/guardian.
2nd: Parent/guardian must bring the uniform to school.
3rd: Parent/guardian conference required.

Examples of the Rêve Prep uniform can be found HERE.